Documents & Maps

Over the next two years, a variety of documents will be prepared to support preparation of the City’s updated General Plan. As the work products are published, they will be posted to this page.

Housing Element Update

The Housing Element is a local plan adopted by the City that provides an indication of the need for housing in terms of affordability, availability, adequacy, and accessibility. The Element provides a strategy to address housing needs and identifies a series of specific housing programs to meet community needs. State law requires that Housing Elements be updated in 8-year cycles. The City is currently in the 6th Housing Element cycle, also known as the 2021-2029 Housing Element planning period.

Click here to view the City’s Housing Element Update webpage.

Current General Plan

The City of Laguna Niguel General Plan provides the policy framework to guide the City. The General Plan serves as the guide for long range planning of physical development within the community. Individual sections of the general plan can be viewed by clicking the links below.

Click here to view the adopted Current General Plan documents.
Click here to view the adopted Current General Plan Land Use Map.