Upcoming Community Events

Thank you for joining us at our Open House and pop-up events! Additional opportunities for public feedback and input will continue to be available throughout the process. These opportunities include weighing-in on land use planning principles (Summer 2024) as well as draft work products, including the General Plan and Environmental Impact Report (Spring 2025).

If you would like to get in touch with the project team, please use the “Contact Us” feature to share your input.

Past Events

Open House

On October 18, 2023 the City hosted an Open House to present information about the project and solicit input on a variety of topics including community values and priorities.

Tree Lighting at City Hall - December 2nd, 2023

The City hosted a pop-up event at the Tree Lighting at City Hall on December 2nd. We invite you to visit our booth to learn more about the project and tell us what you love about Laguna Niguel.

Holiday Parade - December 9th, 2023

The City hosted a pop-up event at the City of Laguna Niguel's annual Holiday Parade on December 9h. We invite you to visit our booth to learn more about the project and tell us what you love about Laguna Niguel.